Delacreme Scholar Spotlight

Delacreme Scholar Spotlight

Uzo Seymour

Delacreme Scholar Spotlight: Class of 2020 

By Bragard Kizenga

If this is the first time someone is meeting you how would you introduce yourself?

My name is Uzo. I’ve worn many hats in my life, above all I’m a creative who is curious about the world and the ways we operate within it. I’m a lot less serious than how I come across (but also not)

How did you find out about the Delacreme Scholarship?

I was in the creative scene in Illinois for about 6 years and heard about the Delacreme Scholarship through femdot. of whom I’m a longtime admirer.

How would you describe your artistry? 

If you would’ve asked me this question 3 years ago the answer would be very confined to my genres and what I represent. Currently, I’d describe my artistry as mutable and standing the test of time. My artistry is an enduring practice.

Everything I do is about communication first and foremost. Whether that’s beats, rhymes, melodies, astrology or just talking into a camera. I am here to make you feel something, think about the world differently.  Everything I do is art as I live and breathe. Capitalism makes it seem like you’re not an artist unless everybody knows your name or you’re consistently producing. As if you need proof that you really do this shit. I don’t have to prove anything other that what I have already shown the world and whatever else I have to offer, will be on my own terms. My art is diaspora, my art is home away from home, it’s you realizing you liked girls after you heard that one song I dropped when I was 18. My art is forever. I am forever. 

Any advice for future scholars?

No matter where your art takes you, always remember to tap back in with the version of you that started this in the first place. Remember the kid who wanted to rap like so and so, the naive childlike wonder you had when you first heard the music that inspired you. As you get older, life has a way of trying to kill that spark inside of you, don’t let them win.